As you may know from my last post, I am heading overseas this week for two months to find the best tours, accommodations, transportation, tips, and, yes….restaurants (it’s a hard job, but someone has to do it). With this being said, there is still a lot to be done for our incredible clients, which is why when a bright, charismatic, (not to mention brilliant…okay, so I mentioned it) traveler reached out to me and asked if I needed help, I enthusiastically welcomed her into the Explorateur team!

Jordan and her signature smile in the African desert
So without further ado, I would love to introduce our intern, Jordan Luongo. I met Jordan a few years back while she was still in college, and I admired her wanderlust and sense for adventure even back then. Since that time, Jordan has blown my socks off by completing an internship in South Africa where she helped spread the word on prevention of the spread of HIV and AIDS (I told you that she was brilliant).
When I asked Jordan to describe herself, her is what she had to say:
“Hey, I’m Jordan. Just your typical 20 something year old who’s a complete sucker for adventure and tacos. I love to love, smiling is my favorite. I thrive off of meeting new people, and the peace sign is my signature go to. I live by the African proverb- Ubuntu, ‘I am because we are.’ I am so excited to fall in love and grow with every country I visit. Oh, and I always laugh at the wrong times and am borderline obsessed with my dog. That’s me in a nutshell!

Jordan and her dog, AndiE
I mean….adventure AND tacos?! I can’t say that I disagree. Plus, I’m obsessed with my dogs too. Y’all, she is pretty awesome and I can’t wait for you to get to know her more through her posts and pictures.
Watch out world, because Jordan is currently working on her bucket list (stay tuned for that post) and she is ready to start checking things off!
Help me welcome the newest Explorateur to the team!